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To act locally on our moral duty to future generations by protecting the earth and its inhabitants from harmful impacts of climate change.  In some traditions, this is known as Creation Care.


Early in 2016, a group of concerned Frederick County citizens began meeting to learn more about climate issues and the potential risks faced by Frederick County residents in the coming years.  Concurrently, local faith communities were collaborating on climate issues by showing movies and hosting talks; staffing tables at local events; supporting the successful ban on fracking in Maryland and the Climate March in Washington, DC; and hosting the 2015 interfaith climate forum in Frederick. Throughout this period many questions were raised, including:  Are more extreme weather events expected to occur here, and are we ready for them?  Will expected growth, combined with a changing climate, impact farm land and food production? Will changing temperatures in air, water and earth encourage new pathogens, increasing health risks? What can we as people of faith and/or as congregations do to prepare for, lessen, and prevent harmful impacts of a changing climate?


These questions and others concern us, both for ourselves and especially for our children and future generations. As people of faith, it is our moral duty to learn more and act in ways that responsibly care for our beautiful planet, its inhabitants, and each other.  The Multi-faith Alliance of Climate Stewards was born out of this shared belief, the desire to act locally, and the realization that opening our work to all people of faith as participants expands our impact and strengthens our community.

Who Can Participate?


We welcome YOU, Frederick County citizens of faith to participate as individuals, groups from county faith communities, and as congregations.  

To Learn More

and become a part of Multi-faith Alliance of Climate Stewards - Frederick County, please email

Here's a short movie that explains further:

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